Tuesday, February 17, 2009

About my kiddos

Ahh the post yall have been waiting for lol. :)

I have 4 beautiful kids. 3 of them are biologically mine, and 1 is my step son. Jason and I have sole custody of him though, so I am mom :)

Logan is 7, and in First grade. He's a great kid, learning how to test us though and figure out what he can get away with and what he can't.

Jasmine is 3, going on 30. She is a handful, she is a Princess and wont hesitate in telling you so. When I told her that her name was Jasmine Rose the other day, she replied "No, I am Princess, my dad told me so."

Jayden is a 2, he is trying to follow in his sisters footsteps and be a handful as well. We call him J.T. and for some reason he is NOTHING like anyone else in the rest of the house, as he can eat and eat and eat, and he NEVER gains weight. Sucks, wish I could be like him. He is 25 lbs on a good day. Josslynn is 27 lbs lol. He is TINY.

Josslynn is 1, she's an angel. No seriously, she's an angel. She's the best baby ever. She is the sweetest, loving baby. But, she can have a temper too if Logan, Jasmine, and Jayden mess with her too much lol.

So that's my kids :) Now that yall know the main characters in my blog tomorrow, I can really start blogging right lol :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

i'm soo bad

at writing. I will write tomorrow. Promise! Ack, I suck maybe that's why I can't stay on a diet lol.